A Legend of Zelda RPG
Specialties are special skills that are not limited to combat use. For example, there is a specialty called the lover's heart. This specialty enables a boost on wisdom rolls when a character is attempting to charm someone, typically an NPC. All specialties work this way. They give boosts in whatever roll is required to do certain actions in the game. Everything can have a specialty, from sneaking, to sneak attacks, to cooking, to horseback archery, to fairy magic, to how your character looks and dresses.
When starting out in your game you will not have any specialties. These are skills that need to be learned, either from books, or gurus, or various other means of learning skills (this will be up to your game master) and can be levelled up twice, allowing you to go up to level 3. This is done by meeting new people or reading books that will help you
advance further in your specialties. When you learn a specialty, that specialty will give you a +1 on that specific dice roll that the specialty helps boost. So, if in the case of the lover's heart specialty, If I am trying to charm a shop keeper into lowering prices for my character, I would roll my wisdom dice for charming. Let’s say my wisdom points are 2, so I can roll 2 dice, and when I roll those two dice, I roll a 6. because my character has the lover's heart specialty at a level 1, I would gain a +1 on my dice roll, so my roll would turn into a 7. If I had a level 2 lover's heart, my roll would turn into a 8. This is how this works for all specialties. In the case where there is no clear stat to dice against, it is up to the game master to determine that stat. For example if one is dealing with an NPC, and a wisdom roll is needed, the game master will have to determine in some way what the NPC's stat is that the player has to roll against.
There are specialties that are not listed here. These specialties deal with your character's understanding of people, places, and things in Hyrule. For example, a character may read a book on mogma culture. In that case, that character would gain a +1 on wisdom dice when they deals with mogma specifically. They may really impress the mogma with their knowledge of them, or they may perceive something that will give them an edge in dealing and talking with the mogma. Please remember, these types of specialties are not listed. This allows the player and the game master to get creative in what kind of specialties there could be.
Here is a list of specialties that are available:
Ninja crawl- This specialty allows for bonuses with wisdom rolls when
stealth is being used.
Lover’s heart- any wisdom rolls where a player tries to charm or
flirt with someone to get something out of them gains a bonus.
Gourmand’s friend- When a player is cooking food, their wisdom rolls
gain a bonus.
Bremen’s wisdom-This specialty can be used to increase wisdom rolls when handling or taming animals.
Swordsmanship- courage rolls will gain bonuses if a sword is used.
Horseback archery- when on horseback, courage rolls for bows gain bonuses.
Bow master- unmounted uses of archery gain bonuses.
Lumberjack- all courage rolls for axes gain bonuses
Mega Hammer Bro- all uses of hammers gain courage roll
Ball-and-chain Soldier- All uses of the ball-and-chain type
weapons gain courage roll bonuses.
Happy mask sales man- Using magic masks gives bonuses
to power rolls.
Interloper’s power- this specialty enables the character to draw on shadow magic to cast spells. It gives bonuses for power rolls when shadow magic is used.
Sage’s power- A specialty that enables players to harness nature when using magic rods, Power rolls gain bonuses when a rod is used.
Hylia’s blessing- This specialty calls blessings down on the character, enabling them to gain bonuses on power rolls when using medallions.
Fairy’s blessing- Fairies give this special ability to players to help them gain power roll bonuses for fairy magic.
Triforce hero- This specialty gives a bonus in power rolls when the ultimate spell is used.
Champion's skill- This specialty allows characters to gain bonuses on power rolls for using special attack moves (see my 3rd T&T blog post on special attack moves).
Fashion sense- This specialty adds a bonus to wisdom rolls when a player
is acting charismatically or deceptive.
Champion's feat- This specialty gives a power roll bonus to players
using champion blessings magic.
Blacksmith's Apprenticeship- If the player has a weapon upgraded
by a blacksmith or an enchanter, when they use it they will gain courage
roll bonuses.
Ricky’s Teaching- Learning this kangaroo's specialty allows for
unarmed combat bonuses when using special unarmed attacks.
Bomber's Secret Society Member-being a member of this society allows for bonuses in perception.
Maple's Apprentice- when a player is creating potions, they get a bonus in their wisdom roll.
Jovani's Curse- each time a character makes money, they gain +10 rupees (increases to 20 and 30 if the speciality is enhanced).
The Running Man-allows a player to move one extra square without energy loss on their turn. upgrading this increases the amount of squares moved.
Remember, this list is not exhaustive. There are specialties regarding learning about cultures, places and peoples in Hyrule as well, though these are not listed. These kinds of specialties may be learned from books or gurus as well, and it is up to your game master to determine what kind of specialties they want to create in regard to these unlisted specialties.