A Legend of Zelda RPG
Skeletons, Ghosts, and Corpses
Anubis: a mummified jackal like monster, that attacks with fire, blasting it at a range of 3 squares, but it is also weak to it.
Health: 3 hearts
Energy: 0
Speed : 3 squares
Courage: 2 Damage: 5
Wisdom:1 Armor: 4
Power: 0 Shield: 3
Special Abilities: none.
Bubble: Flying skulls that are often engulfed in elemental power. There are ice, fire, and lightning varieties. It is strong against all elements as well.
Health: 2 hearts
Energy: 0
Speed : 4 spaces
Courage: 2 Damage: 4
Wisdom: 2 Armor: 2
Power: 0 Shield: 2
Special Abilities: none.
Dead Hand: a corpse like creature that has many hands sticking out of the ground.
Health: 4 hearts
Energy: 6
Speed : 2 squares
Courage: 2 Damage: 6
Wisdom: 1 Armor: 2
Power: 2 Shield: 2
Special Abilities: This creature has many hands sticking out of the ground, that grabs its enemies, causing them to lose grid moves for a turn.
Floor-Masters and Wall-Masters: giant severed hands. Floor masters split into three when their initial body is slain, and wall masters drag foes to entrances of dungeons.
Health: 2 hearts
Energy: 0
Speed : 4
Courage: 2 Damage: 4
Wisdom: 1 Armor: 2
Power: 2 Shield: 2
Special Abilities: floormasters on death can split (wisdom roll against floor master’s shield) into three smaller floormasters. Wall masters can drag enemies back to the entrance of dungeons (power roll against enemy shield) These abilities do not require energy to perform.
Ghini: one eyed ghastly spirits that live in cemeteries and crypts.
Health: 2 hearts
Energy: 5
Speed : 4 squares
Courage: 1 Damage: 5
Wisdom: 1 Armor: 2
Power: 1 Shield: 2
Special Abilities: latches onto enemies, and feeds on their energy. Takes a turn away from foes and 4 energy points.
Gibdo: A mummified corpse that wanders in dungeons and crypts looking for someone to drain the life from. They are weak to fire.
Health: 4 hearts
Energy: 5
Speed : 4 squares
Courage:2 Damage: 4
Wisdom: 2 Armor: 4
Power: 2 Shield: 3
Special Abilities: gibdos grab enemies and suck the life force out of them, causing enemies to lose a turn, and a whole heart of health, with a power roll.
Skull fish: Skeletal fish that swim in swarms, hunting anything that falls into the water.
Health: 1 heart
Energy: 0
Speed : 5 spaces
Courage: 1 Damage: 5
Wisdom: 0 Armor: 2
Power: 0 Shield: 2
Special Abilities: none.
Poes: spirits of hatred that hold lanterns containing their souls, which they use to attack enemies. These creatures do fire elemental damage with each attack. they are weak to lightning.
Health: 2 hearts
Energy: 0
Speed : 5
Courage: 2 Damage: 5
Wisdom: 1 Armor: 2
Power: 0 Shield: 3
Special Abilities: none.
Pol’s voice: a ghost with rabbit like ears and very very sharp teeth. It is is allured by ocarina music (wisdom roll to get it to freeze for a turn, must roll against it’s wisdom). It has no other weaknesses, and elements have no effects on them.
Health: 2 hearts
Energy: 0
Speed : 7 squares
Courage: 2 Damage: 5
Wisdom: 2 Armor: 2
Power: 1 Shield: 3
Special Abilities: none.
ReDead: this undead zombie is similar to a gibdo, but lacks its weakness against fire.
Health: 3 hearts
Energy: 4
Speed : 3 squares
Courage:2 Damage: 4
Wisdom: 1 Armor: 3
Power: 1 Shield: 2
Special Abilities: redeads grab enemies and suck the life force out of them, causing enemies to lose a turn, and a whole heart of health, with a power roll.
Stalchild: a skeletal monster that roams the hills of hyrule at night.
Health: 2 hearts
Energy: 0
Speed : 5 squares
Courage:1 Damage: 4
Wisdom: 1 Armor: 2
Power: 1 Shield: 3
Special Abilities: none.
Stalfos: like a stalchild, but stronger, and more fierce. Once defeated its remains must be blown up, otherwise in three turns it will return.
Health: 3 hearts
Energy: 5
Speed : 6 squares
Courage:2 Damage: 5
Wisdom: 2 Armor: 3
Power: 2 Shield: 4
Special Abilities: stalfos can jump attack for +3 damage.
Stalhound: a skeletal canine creature that hunts in packs at night.
Health: 2 hearts
Energy: 0
Speed : 5 squares
Courage:2 Damage: 4
Wisdom: 1 Armor: 2
Power: 1 Shield: 3
Special Abilities: none.
Staldra: a skeletal mummified snake like creature with three heads.
Health: 3 hearts
Energy: 3
Speed : 5 squares
Courage:2 Damage: 4
Wisdom: 1 Armor: 2
Power: 2 Shield: 3
Special Abilities: can regenerate its heads (regain a heart each time this is used). Roll its power against its own shield.